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Dr’s Secret Bio Herbs Honey for Women

  • Description
  • Benefits & Functions
  • Dosage / Package
  • Bio Herbs Honey for Her a Pure Honey fortified with the famous Kacip Fatima. Females may suffer from breast sagging following weight loss, pregnancy and lactation or menopause. Many try the surgical mastopexy. Such surgical operations have many RISKS and complications such as asymmetry, implant leaks, keloid, seroma etc.

    Our research and development team has revolutionized a new honey preparation blended with herbs and nutrients.Bio Herbs Honey for Her will improves breast and body shape. It is a vast energy source, which enchances nutrient absorption and stimulates metabolic reactions for tissue build up. The surplus supply of aminoacids and vitamins specially the anti oxidant ones promotes the vitality and anti ageing process
  • The main functions include below:

    Strengthen the body in general, restore energy leve and boost immune system

    Strengthen body foundation and enhance women’s health

    Kidney regulation, restore kidney’s secretion of various vital regulating hormones

    Optimizes the function of reproductive endocrine system, promote physical fitness and agility

    Maintain optimum kidney functions, leading to total body rejuvenation

    Increase vitality and tissue build up.

    Enchances sexual activity in menopausal women

  • Main Ingredients : Honey, Kacip Fatimah, Ginseng, wild morinda elliptica root…

    Dosage : 10 Bottles x 20ml