home navigation Progyms navigation SUGAR FREE SLENDER DRINK 

  • Description
  • Benefits & Functions
  • Dosage / Package
  • This revolutionary drink contains zero sugar, zero fat, and successfully combines four different scientific methodologies – SUPPRESS, BLOCK, BURN and REDUCE EDEMA into one single process effectively trim up your bodyline and waistline powerfully.
  • SUPPRESS APPETITE Induce satiety feeling.

    Decrease appetite by control the hunger hormone.

    BLOCK FAT Inhibit fat production.

    Block the conversion of carbohydrates into fat & cholesterol.

    BURN FAT Assist in the breakdown of fatty acid.

    Promote fat burning.

    REDUCE EDEMA Promote diuretic function.

    Reduce excessive water retention.

    Antioxidation property

  • RSP RM 79.90 (8 bottles per pack)